
It's Your Civic Duty and It's Your Right

Why is it important for Republicans to vote in the August 6th Primary?

Because there are Democrats running as Republicans in the Republican Primary and Democrats vote in our Republican Primary instead of asking for a Democrat Primary Ballot. See for yourself below. There is only one contested seat on the Democrat Primary Ballot for Newaygo County and Newaygo County Democrats are leaving that race up to strong Democrat counties to decide.

In a strong Republican County like ours, Democrats know they need to run as a Republican and they need to Vote in the Republican Primary if they have any hope of getting their Democrat candidate elected!

If you want a Republican to hold these offices, you need to know who is and who isn’t a Republican! That isn’t easy to discern, but a sure fire way is to look at their facebook posts, listen to them at speaking engagements and visit their websites. If they don’t clearly state they are a Republican, chances are, they aren’t.

Upcoming Elections

August 6, 2024

Primary Election

Why You Should Vote In The Primary

This is your only opportunity to vote for the best candidate for your party, Republican or Democrat. Most seats are contested, meaning there is more than one candidate running for a Republican seat, and there is more than one candidate running for a Democrat seat. You get to vote for the candidates you want to represent your party. 

Contested Seats In The 2024 August 6th Primary Election

When you go to vote in the Primary you will need to request either a Republican ballot or a Democrat ballot.
This is a partial list, please check back for updated information.

Here are most of the candidates on the Republican Primary ballot in the August 6th Primary for Newaygo County voters

U.S. Senate - Michigan has one open U.S. Senate seat to fill in November 2024. There are several Republican candidates running for this seat. You will get to vote for just one candidate.

  • Sherry O’Donnell
  • Mike Rogers
  • Sandy Pensler
  • Justin Amash

U.S. House of Representatives for the 2nd District - Uncontested - You will get to vote for just one candidate.

  • John Moolenaar

Michigan House of Representatives for the 101st District - There are two Republican candidates running for this seat. You will get to vote for just one candidate.

  • Brandon Scott McDonald
  • Joseph D. Fox

Newaygo County Sheriff - There are two Republican candidates running for this seat. You will get to vote for just one candidate.

  • Bob Mendham
  • Adam Mercer

Newaygo County Prosecuter - There is only one Republican candidate running for this seat. You will get to vote for just one candidate.

  • Rachel Robinson

Newaygo County Drain Commissioner - There are three Republican candidates running for this seat. You will get to vote for just one candidate.

  • Adam Campbell
  • Dale Twing
  •  Morgan Heinzman

Newaygo County Board of Commissioners - Seven positions only one is contested.

  • District 1 Commissioner – Uncontested – Paul Mellema
  •  District 2 Commissioner – Uncontested – Bryan Kolk
  • District 3 Commissioner – Uncontested – Chuck Trapp
  •  District 4 Commissioner – Uncontested – Jim Maike
  • District 5 Commissioner – There are three Republican candidates running for this seat. You will get to vote for just one candidate
  • Lavern Willett
  •  Thomas Smith
  •  Lori Tubbergen Clark
  • District 6 Commissioner – Uncontested – Brenda Bird
  •  District 7 Commissioner – Uncontested – Mike Kruithoff

Newaygo County Clerk - There are two Republican candidates running for this seat. You get to vote for just one candidate.

  • April Pickard
  • Jason VanderStelt

Newaygo County Register of Deeds - There are two Republican candidates running for this seat. You get to vote for just one candidate.

  • Kelly Pangburn
  • Stewart Sanders

Newaygo County Treasurer - Uncontested - You get to vote for just one candidate.

  • Jason O’Connell

Township Supervisors, Clerks, Treasurers & Trustees - There are some contested seats in several Newaygo County Townships. If you live in one of these Townships, you will get to vote for one Republican Supervisor, one Republican Clerk, one Republican Treasurer and four Republican Trustees.

Precinct Delegates - There are some contested seats in several Newaygo County Precincts. If you live in one of these Precincts (townships & cities), you will get to vote for delegates to represent you in the Newaygo County Republican Party. Some Precincts only have two delegate seats and others have up to twelve.

Here are most of the Candidates on the Democrat Primary ballot in the August 6th Primary for Newaygo County voters

U.S. Senate - Michigan has one open U.S. Senate seat to fill in November 2024. There are several Democrat candidates running for this seat. You will get to vote for just one candidate.

  • Nasser Beydoun
  • Hill Harper
  • Elissa Slotkin

U.S. House of Representatives for the 2nd District - Uncontested - Michael Lynch will be the only Democrat candidate on the ballot.

Michigan House of Representatives for the 101st District - Uncontested - Christopher R. Crain will be the only Democrat candidate on the ballot.

November 5, 2024

General Election

Why You Should Vote In The General

This is your only opportunity to vote for the best candidates for the job. The candidates on this ballot will be those that won in the Primary elections (February 2024 & August 2024) and also other candidates who do not affiliate themselves as a Republican or Democrat. Additional candidates will also be on this ballot and those are called Non-Partisan, meaning they do not affiliate with any party. These are typically Judges, School Board Candidates, City Mayors & City Counsel Members and more. 

Who Will Be On The 2024 November 5th General Election Ballot

This is a partial list of known candidates. More will be added after the Primary Election on August 6th.

U.S. President - There are three candidates that will appear on your ballot. You will get to vote for just one candidate.

  • Republican – Donald J. Trump
  • Democrat – Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
  • Independent – Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

U.S. Senate - Michigan has one open U.S. Senate seat to fill in this election. Whomever wins the August 6th Primary for each party will be the candidates on the ballot. You will get to vote for just one candidate.

  • Republican – TBD
  • Democrat – TBD
  • Independent or Other Party – TBD

U.S. House of Representatives for the 2nd District - You will get to vote for just one candidate.

  • Republican – John Moolenaar
  • Democrat – Michael Lynch
  • Independent or Other Party – TBD

Michigan House of Representatives for the 101st District - You will get to vote for just one candidate.

  • Republican – TBD
  • Democrat – Christopher R. Crain
  • Independent or Other Party – TBD

Newaygo County Drain Commissioner - You will get to vote for just one candidate.

  • Republican – TBD
  • Democrat – None
  • Independent or Other Party – TBD

Newaygo County Clerk - You will get to vote for just one candidate.

  • Republican – TBD
  • Democrat – None
  • Independent or Other Party – TBD

Newaygo County Register of Deeds - You will get to vote for just one candidate.

  • Republican – TBD
  • Democrat – None
  • Independent or Other Party – TBD

Township Supervisors, Clerks, Treasurers & Trustees - If you live in a Township and not in a City, you will get to vote for one Supervisor, one Clerk, one Treasurer and four Trustees.

City Mayor & City Counsel Members - This may or may not be an election cycle for your City Mayor or City Counsel Members.

School Board - There may or may not be any terms expiring in your School District.

Michigan Supreme Court Judges - There are two positions to be filled. You will get to vote for two candidates.

  • Judge – TBD
  • Judge – TBD
  • Judge – TBD

** There will be additional seats to vote on in the General election. When the August 6th Primary concludes, those additional seats will be added.